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Best Ways to Prevent Aging of the Face

The best way to control facial aging is prevention.  Good facial hygiene, starting early with good skin care and sun avoidance and regular protection are key.   If acne is a problem, then aggressive treatment of this with skin procedures such as Microdermabrasions, peels, and a consistent cleansing skin care system will minimize permanent scarring.   As the inevitable aging changes begin to occur, incorporating smaller procedures (Botox, Fillers, lasers and peels) are needed to help renew the skin and restore volume loss. These are the next steps in keeping your face looking good, as well as continued protection from the sun.  As more advanced aging changes occur, an eye lift, brow lift or a face lift may be needed to reverse the aging changes.  Deeper peels and lasers may also play a role at this stage. Visit Coley Cosmetic to identify what the best procedure or treatment is for your needs. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!